Linguine with Clams, revised

I apologize for the lack of cooking posts in the last couple of weeks. I had a severe case of Strep Throat and could barely talk or swallow, let alone eat anything other than water and applesauce. My appetite was non-existent and a sad state to be in here. But I’m back to my old self and happy to report my apron strings are tied back on!

I’ve been perfecting my Linguini and Clams recipe and it is getter tighter each time. I’m trying to recreate it to be the same consistency I had in Rome several years ago. The key is to keep your pasta super al-dente as it continues to cook while you are piling the steamed clams on top. My only addendum to my previous recipe is to reduce the wine, garlic and shallot sauce for a good 15 minutes rather than 10 minutes until the liquid is reduced in half before adding the clams. When the clams open, they release more liquid and it will dilute your sauce otherwise. More updates to come as the recipe is perfected further…

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