Archive for August, 2009

Lunch at Naked Oyster

August 30, 2009


I’m a sharer in life and in dining. I never trust a person if they can’t share their food! What else are they hoarding away?! Thankfully, on this day at the Naked Oyster I was dining with my mom, the ultimate food sharer. She strategizes her order for optimal tasting. We decided on two appetizers: Grilled Thai Shrimp and Duo of Spicy Yellowfin Tuna (sriracha tartare and pepper seared. YUM.) And then we shared the Oyster Stew which they even split into two bowls for us. I usually enjoy my oysters on the half shell and slurp them in all their raw plumpliness, but this was no ordinary stew. We used our Culinary CSI investigative skills to determine the oysters were very gently poached in a high quality sweet sherry with shallots and blended with a touch of cream and chopped chive garnish. REALLY good. I hear the restaurant gets crowded for dinner, but lunch was a perfect rest after a day of Hyannis shopping.

Rainy Days at “The Tree”

August 30, 2009


What do you do on Cape Cod when it rains? The water and sky just look sad and the beach and water sports are not an option. I often choose to curl up with a good book in bed, but after a couple of days of inclement weather there is only one place to go. The Christmas Tree Shops become packed with antsy vacationers with few rainy day activities. My buddy Kate and I call it simply “The Tree” and we wander the aisles for bargains. It has very little to do with Christmas and everything to do with things for the kitchen, office and home that you never thought you needed. There are multiple locations throughout the Cape. I find the Dennis and Orleans locations hit or miss, but the Hyannis location is the largest and consistently has the best selection. And it is right next door to Trader Joe’s. Hello, perfect rainy day! I know I’m a dork for knowing this information and even more of one for sharing it…

Faccia Brutta

August 30, 2009


I stumbled upon this “face” at Red River the other day. It reminded me of when my Italian Grandma would squeeze our baby cheeks and shout, “faccia brutta!” (pronounced fa’chia bru-tah.) Little did I know it meant, “funny face.”

Sunset on the Bay

August 28, 2009


I will debate the pros and cons of bay vs. ocean vs. sound beaches throughout my posts, however the bay wins hands down for ridiculous Hallmark-like sunsets. My sweet friend Kate shared her home on Eastham’s bay with me many weekends and I’ve spent countless evenings watching the sun go down in magnificent glory. We always note that they look like living, moving watercolor paintings. I wonder if Bob Ross ever made it out to Capeland?!

As low tide pulls away revealing sea-life, check these bay beaches for the best night view in Eastham: Cooks Brook Beach, Campground Beach, First Encounter Beach, Sunken Meadow Beach

Seared Cape Cod Sea Scallops

August 27, 2009


My recipe for perfectly sweet seared sea scallops: Rinse and thoroughly pat dry fresh off-the-boat sea scallops. (See my favorite fish markets here.) I buy 2/3 lb. scallops for 2 people. Add 1 T butter and 1 T olive oil in a saute pan on high heat. Season scallops with salt and pepper. Once the pan is super hot and almost smoking, place the scallops in the pan without touching each other. Sear for 1-1/2 minutes on each side until there is a golden brown crust, but still very tender in the middle. Plate scallops. Deglaze the pan with a splash of white wine and let it steam off for a minute. Drizzle the pan juices on top of scallops. Serve immediately.

Horseshoe Crabs – a curious observation

August 27, 2009


I’m a curious observer of life. Here at the beach, if I have a good book I can sit for hours and let my mind absorb the day. Without a good book, I’m left to wander the shores to fill my curiosity. So I’ve noticed that there are more horseshoe crab carcasses on the beaches this year than any other. Or am I imagining? Google confirms my thoughts and expands! This article explains the spring spawning season has produced a very lopsided ratio of crabs, “The ratio of male to female horseshoe crabs, typically one to one, is significantly lopsided. For every one female crab that has been found, up to six or more males have turned up.” Researchers are now frantically trying to figure out why. Hmmmm, sounds VERY similar to the NYC dating scene. I think the she-crabs are in trouble…

Sand Dunes

August 26, 2009


Majestic, mysterious and legendary, the Cape Cod sand dunes are often admired from afar but never explored. You can take a tour of the dunes with Art from P-town or opt for your own adventure nearby. Several locals will tell you to cross Route 6 to enter a small entrance on Snail Road. Park at the end of the road and hike up a small, but steep sand slope. You will feel like you have seen the tip of Everest or your own personal trip to Mars with a grand view for miles.

Provincetown Portuguese Bakery

August 26, 2009


I do not readily admit consuming fried food on a regular basis, however I will shout from mountain tops to share the glory of Malassada or fried dough at the P-town Portuguese Bakery. This is not your ordinary state fair fried dough – this is light-as-air, lick-your-fingers sugary, warm out of the frying vat goodness. I cannot remember a summer where my mother did not take us for this annual treat. She shares the story of when my grandparents introduced her to the bakery as part of her first welcome tour of Cape Cod.  It should be everyone’s welcome, honestly.

Ptown and the boys of summer

August 26, 2009


I love you, P-town and your buff boys of summer, your rainbow flags flying freely over Commercial Street, your 4:00 tea-parties that REDEFINE party and showgirls bringing endless applause. There is NO place like you.

Arnold’s Lobster & Clam Bar

August 26, 2009


The lines out the door confirm that you have found an award-winning clam bar. There are few places that we eat at year after year without tiring or questioning its worth. Arnold’s never disappoints. Raw bar, steamers, chowder, lobsters, fried clams — anything you want, done right. It makes this crustacean lover very happy and I’m not alone with my review.